2 min readJun 29, 2020


Macro Story
Oblivious to the reality > different realities > Rock bottom > Reality doesn’t sink in so easy > laugh > take all precaution > digest > silence > helplessness > where you were society is > not the time to fight > pray and do the dutiful
Today’s column is about the already existing truth out there. Corona is the real deal in the world currently. An issue so strong, it shut down countries and economy. We know that’s the case. But we are still oblivious to the truth. Because it hasn’t touched us yet, hasn’t touched any of our families.
When something is not existent to our lives, we often ignore it. Like death. We know it’s the ultimate truth but we don’t intentionally talk about it. We ignore it. If someone in the neighbour just died, how does that affect it. We are oblivious to that. Same goes for COVID. We know it’s out there to get to us, sooner or later. Still we forget sometimes that such is the reality of our current times.
Up till recently, my life was pretty oblivious to the existing corona virus. Until one day my uncle got it. My dad being a good brother, helped him and was nursing him. So being exposed, he was advised to isolate himself.
And the rest of us, also in isolation until it’s absolutely necessary to get out.
The first day was eventful. Soo many phone calls from across the world it seemed. Some to enquire. Some to empathise. Then slowly people get busy in their lives and enters silence. The silence to the people who are not used to being alone can be really tough. Slowly the silence turns into jitters of anxiety and relief packed together.
This changed my perspective quite a bit. Till now it was present in the outside world, now it’s in our homes. My dad who keeps running for this thing and that thing, suddenly he was in this room, isolated from all of us. He told me in one of our contemplating conversation that this is like a 14 days vanvas for him. I laughed. We moved on.
My uncle who is sick, is most affected by the depression of corona. Being alone on the 14th floor of the hospital with no one allowed to visit with all bland food. It gets to you I am sure. While slowly his responses to our questions on the video calls are becoming brief by the day. The worry of his constant fever is taking a toll on my aunt and my dad.
What can I do ?
I have read some 100 articles covering estimated remedies to personal experiences. After doing that I realise that we can’t keep running from the already existing situation. It’s going to hit us, sooner or later. We can’t ignore that. We can take care of our immunity and hope to come out on the other side of the tunnel.
There is no certainty to whether our immunity will fight this virus but there is a certainty that it will touch us. Whenever there is some certain, my heart goes.




Blogger, Content Writer, Enthusiast, Reader, Athlete